unity frame rateWith all the recent talk surrounding games that support 60FPS, it's become quite a shock to hear that Assassin's Creed Unity is actually suffering from frame rate drops that dip below 30 frames per second.

Whilst frame rates in the less intensive areas do reach a nice, smooth frame rate, in some areas, both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 struggle to provide this smooth frame rate. Whilst many gamers have been unnecessarily angry at the lack of solid, smooth 60FPS in many next gen games, not being able to achieve 30FPS in a game is something to get angry about.

After frames start to dip below 30, or more specifically 24 frames per second, the game becomes incredibly choppy, and this is a frame rate that the human eye can easily pick up on.

Although the frame rate can be increased with a few tweaks on the development side, unfortunately, the frame rate may not be able to be improved to the golden 60FPS standard we've all been dreaming about.

We do hope however that Ubisoft manage to get at least 30FPS in all aspects of Unity, because it would be unfortunate if this was not the case.

Interestingly, the Xbox One version of Assassins' Creed Unity has been reported to perform better than the PlayStation 4 version, something that many PS4 fans are confused about, considering that many were confident the PS4 had slightly better performance capabilities than the Xbox One.

Either way, whichever console you pick you are still going to have issues with frame rate at this current point in time.