advanced warfare multiplayerThe next game in the Call of Duty franchise has been revealed to be Advanced Warfare, a title that will be solely developed by the series's third developer, Sledgehammer Games, for the first time.

So far, we have been treated with a wide range of teasers and content reveals for the story and setting for Advanced Warfare, but our multiplayer taste buds have not yet been touched. However, that is about to change, because Sledgehammer Games have revealed their plans to showcase the multiplayer in Advanced Warfare at Gamescom 2014, on August 11th.

The brand new multiplayer gameplay reveal for Call of Duty Advanced Warfare will be in Microsoft's hands, and Major Nelson has revealed that he and the creators of the next COD title will be ready to show off multiplayer content of the game soon.

As well as showing off the content to those attending Gamescom 2014, Microsoft will be streaming the whole event on Xbox Live for the world to see. Along with gameplay content, Microsoft has said to be giving live interviews with some of the developers who are working on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, so we can expect to learn a lot more about the new game later this month on August 11th.

We're hoping that Advanced Warfare will have enough to bring back the old Call of Duty crowd, many of which felt that the latest game in the franchise, Ghosts, was a big let down.

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