Battlegrounds First Person Only Mode Coming

If you've played Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, (Or seen other people play it), you'll know that the game features an option for both third person and first person.

Despite the option between the two, players will often spend the majority of their game in the third person. To keep things dynamic, the development team behind Battlegrounds has confirmed that they'll be a bringing a first person only mode to the game.

To begin with, the first person only mode will be limited to solo and duo games in the North America and Europe servers. If the game mode is received well, the development team will open up more servers for all regions and for squad mode.

It should hopefully mean that by the time Playerunknown's Battlegrounds comes to the Xbox One, the first person only mode will be available for all regions and for all group sizes for those that are interested in it.

Currently, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is only on the PC. It has quickly become the third most played game on Steam, only behind Valve's own titles, Dota 2, and Counterstrike Global Offensive.

The Xbox One version of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds is predicted to launch before the end of 2017 if things go swimmingly with development. An exact release date for the Xbox One version hasn't been set, but we should be given one soon.

What are your thoughts behind all of the hype surrounding Playerunknown's Battlegrounds? Is it a game worthy of the hype, or is it a little undeserving of the recent success it's been given?