destiny dlc glitchThere has been a lot of controversy behind the idea of DLC - whilst the concept of extra content after a game's launch is pretty much universally accepted, developers who release games with the sole intention of incrementally releasing paid-for content following the games launch is often frowned upon, especially when the content has already been created before launch.

This seems to be the case with Destiny, a brand new collaboration by Bungie and Activision. A new glitch has revealed what looks to be new areas of the game currently not accessible by players.

Whilst it's not confirmed that this glitch shows off DLC content, it's certainly not available in-game legitimately as of yet, so Bungie are either deciding to add it in later for free, or as part of the DLC packs.

For Earth, players have found one new Strike mission and four new story missions, located in the North East section of the map.

For the Moon, two new strikes have been found, and a level 28 high end raid was discovered. Venus has a brand new story mission, and Mars has a brand new level 20 strike. The reef has been discovered to have a level 28 raid, and the Crucible has a special tier based event with rewards for players who win consecutive games.

Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that this content isn't in the game already, but I guess Bungie, and particular Activision, have chosen this route, and there's not really much we can do besides from either pay or not play.