Gears of War 5 Details Unveiled

Load your bullets, and sharpen your chainsaw, as your lancer is going to be getting a lot of work when Gears of War 5 launches on September 10th.

Gear 5’s release date was revealed by Microsoft at their E3 press briefing, showing protagonist Kait Diaz’s role in the game as she, JD Fenix, Delmont Walker, and Marcus Fenix all worth together to reign holy hell on locust scum. The game was originally revealed last year and is slated to be launched this fall.

The single player campaign is included, as is online co-op and local split-screen play, and there’ll also be a robust online mode. It’s likely that eSports will be taken into consideration with Gears 5, as players using the cover-based mechanics will be learning the ins-and-outs quickly. We’re geeked to see how the competitive side of things play out with Gears of War 5, and you can bet we’re already planning out the maps on our custom controllers to take advantage of the action.

Gears 5 is the direct sequel to Gears of War 4, which launched in October of 2016. The game got favorable reviews but hasn’t been seen as the smashing success that the original Gears trilogy experienced on the Xbox 360. Needless to say, the game’s developer The Coalition wants to boost sales.

A healthy marketing campaign combined with excellent graphics, online play, and an eSports element should all combine to make Gears of War 5 a success. The game will be playable on PC and Xbox One and will be included in Microsoft’s Game Pass service.