Glaz to Get Upgrade in Rainbow Six Siege

Glaz has slowly been phased out of competitive play, and Ubisoft have taken notice. As a result, it looks like Glaz will be getting a much needed buff.

A new video posted to the Rainbow Six Siege Twitter profile showcases a thermal imaging scope for Glaz - when Glaz zooms in with his sniper, the thermal heat signature of enemy players can be seen through walls.

Ubisoft didn't mention whether this would be a feature for all operators, or whether it would be exclusive to Glaz, but it would make sense that the feature was locked down to Glaz's sniper rifle.

So far, we don't know when this new feature will be brought to Rainbow Six Siege. There is a big update planned for later this month, so we may see the new thermal scope added to the game then.

Hopefully, the feature isn't too overpowered at the beginning. We expect the play rate for Glaz will spike massively after the patch for his thermal scope hits live servers, though.

Recently, Rainbow Six Siege rolled into a new season and Ubisoft unveiled a collection of new operators, new maps, and new weapons as part of the Velvet Shell expansion. All of the maps and operators can be played for free, but season 2 pass holders were given the operators early and for free. Those without a season 2 pass must purchase the operators with currency earned in game, or with currency purchased with real money.