MGS5 gamescom gameplayFrom what we've seen so far, Metal Gear Solid 5 is looking to be one of the most anticipated games for the new generation of consoles. So far, we haven't really received anything that exciting to keep our trigger fingers going, but Metal Gear Solid 5 might just be enough to wow those on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 enough to tempt them over to the Xbox One and PS4.

If you're undecided on whether Metal Gear Solid 5 will be a worthwhile buy or not, you may want to free up an hour or so on August 13th; Kojima has just revealed plans to live stream a whole hours worth of gameplay content from Metal Gear Solid 5, which will perhaps be the most in-game content we've ever seen of the game in one sitting.

The live stream event will also be showcased to visitors to this year's Gamescom, and will showcase a bunch of brand new gameplay mechanics, and many different areas of the game that gamers have not yet laid their eyes on.

Kojima also seems to be confident that viewers will be impressed with Metal Gear Solid 5 after watching the hour long gameplay stream, and the live stream will show off the "impressive capabilities of Kojima Productions' breathtaking FOX Engine and more".

For those interested, the live stream event will begin at 8pm CET/7pm GMT/3pm EDT on August 13th. The event will also be home to a brand new Q&A with the developers, as well as a place to show off a "few surprises."