For a while now gamers everywhere have been waiting for the next big thing Hideo Kojima was working with. Initially we all though Metal Gear Revengeance would be his new project but it didn't take time for us to learn we were wrong.

It was sometime later that Hideo Kojima revealed that he was working on a new engine, the Fox engine. In one of the interviews where Kojima was showing his new engine he revealed that he was working on a new game and that the video playing at the background (there was a computer in the background) was an actual game that was being rendered via the Fox engine. The game was later revealed to be "Project Ogre".

So unsurprisingly when Hideo Kojima himself revealed Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes (an "open world" game running on the Fox engine) at this year's PAX, many gamers assumed that Project Ogre was the codename for MGS Ground Zeroes. I guess I can sort of see why people got the two mixed up since Project Ogre is also supposed to be an open world game running on the Fox engine.

Well, this didn't please Mr. Kojima too much. So in order to clear things up he posted this frustrated tweet:

"While I am happy to know people liked 'MGS Ground Zeroes,' I'm sick & tired of people keep asking me like 'is that project Ogre?' here in Seattle everyday. Project Ogre is what the project that Ogre appears. Ogre does not appear in 'MGS Ground Zeroes' trailer."

I guess that will clear out whatever confusion people had. Not only that, the fact he mentions that we would have seen an "Ogre appear" makes it sound as if Ogre is a character. Since the rendered video of Project Ogre showed a forest, it makes me to wonder whether "Ogre" actually means an actual Ogre. You know, the fictional monster. Either way it seems Mr. Kojima has his hands full. With the revelation of MSG5 last June, it means he is currently working on 3 titles. That ought to get the fans all excited.