A new gameplay video by Guerrilla Games suggests that Killzone Shadow Fall combat system may end up being just a little bit more dynamic than most shooters. The video has been aptly named 'Killzone Shadow Fall 4 different ways to play' and gives us an in-depth look into the different gameplay mechanics that allow us to choose the way we approach each encounter in both campaign and against other players.

In most typical situations, you'll be able choose between dealing with a situation nice and quietly, or by charging head first into combat.

However, there is a little more depth to the system - There's no two strict paths to take, and you can always mix your play style up by incorporating both a stealthy approach and a gun's blazing tactic.

The 15 minute video goes into a lot more detail and describes the various environments you'll be able to play through, and Guerrilla games says that they are trying hard to make sure that there are always different ways to complete a mission in the campaign.

Hopefully this will add a bit more of a tactical element to the game, making it a requirement to think through situations and work out a plan of action before progressing through a mission.

Killzone Shadow Fall will be available upon launch of the PlayStation 4 and like previous games in the franchise, it will exclusive to Sony. I personally cannot wait to get my hands on the new Killzone, it seems the more we know about it, the more interesting it becomes.