Shockwave is an Illegal Move in CWL Matches

After a lot of discussion from esports analysts and pro players, the Shockwave ability in Infinite Warfare has finally been banned in CWL matches.

Going forward, any CWL matches will no longer allow the Shockwave ability and we wouldn't be surprised if other event organizers outside of the CWL circuit follow suit.

For those unaware, the Shockwave ability was something that the Merc combat rig could use if they equipped it on their loadout. With Shockwave, players were able to jump into the air and then use thrusters to quickly hit the ground below them, killing any players in the nearby area. Because of the verticality of many Infinite Warfare maps, it was too easy for Merc players to get the high ground and take easy kills on players passing by.

To begin with, Shockwave wasn't too difficult to counter, but in April the Shockwave received a buff that made it hard to counter. Unsurprisingly, Shockwave has now received a ban from CWL events - we'd expect it to get a slight nerf in the near future.

Interestingly enough, the Infusion trait is also currently banned at CWL events, so Merc players will be limited to the Man-At-Arms trait, which allows players to have maximum ammo capacity and increased mobility.

It's great to see CWL looking out for their community like this. Have you tried the newly updated Shockwave trait yet? Do you think it's overpowered? Let us know by leaving a message below.