If you're looking to stream, record or capture your gameplay from the PlayStation 4, you will be happy to know that it'll be easier than ever on the PlayStation 4.

Previous concerns over whether you'd be able to use third party game capture equipment on the PlayStation 4 has been met with a positive answer from Sony, who have said third party game capture equipment will be possible through the HDMI out port on the console.

Sony has already included built-in capturing software on the PlayStation 4, but restrictions such as footage length make it inconvenient for people who regularly record and upload videos to the internet.

The PlayStation 4 will also be completely capable of streaming directly to Ustream and Twitch via software on the console, making streaming super easy to do without the need of third party equipment or a PC running in the background.

Streaming, recording and uploading your gameplay will be the easiest it has ever been on consoles this generation, so if you upload videos to YouTube or stream regularly, you're in luck with the PlayStation 4.