Killer instinct Spinal

If you haven't quite found the perfect character for your preferences in Killer Instinct, you may want to check out the new DLC that will be arriving to the game.

The new DLC includes Spinal, a character that has been around since the origins of Killer Instinct, and, like the rest of the game's current character roster, he has undergone massive changes to his appearance.

It's still easy to tell it's Spinal though, but the graphics upgrade given to him certainly makes him look like a badass. Spinal can be purchased for $5 as a DLC addition. It's unclear at this point whether it will be included in the $40 Ultra Edition that originally came with the first eight characters, accessory packs, costumes and the original Killer Instinct as an arcade game, but it's likely that you will have to throw out another 5 bucks for Spinal.

No details have been given on when the Spinal DLC will be available yet, but it's probably going to reach Xbox One before the end of January, along with a new patch that should hopefully address more balancing issues, tweak up ranked play a little, and add a new character to the free character rotation system.

Hopefully Spinal will eventually be available for a week in the free character rotation system, but there is a possibility that he will disclosed from this because he counts as DLC content.