xbox one neverwinterWhilst Zenimax Studios have been busy preparing the release of the Elder Scrolls Online for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, another MMO developer has been working on something else that could completely ruin the release of the ESO.

The game in question is Neverwinter, a free to play MMO that landed on the PC in 2013. In February this year, the same Neverwinter that made it to PC will be coming to the Xbox One in the form of a closed beta.

The closed beta will be accessible to a limited amount of players, chosen from a pool of players who have signed up for beta access on the Neverwinter website. The beta will last for three days and will begin on the 5th of February.

Whilst Neverwinter is free to play, an Xbox Live Gold membership will be required to play it. In the new version of Neverwinter, aimed for consoles, the game will be compatible with the Xbox friends list so players can easily team up together for dungeons, quests or PVP.

On top of the friends integration, Neverwinter for the Xbox One will receive a control revamp that will suit the Xbox One controller. Considering that the game is coming from the PC, which has access to multiple keys and bindings, it will be interesting to see how well the Neverwinter developers managed to port over the controls to the Xbox.

Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that Neverwinter will be the first free to play MMO available on consoles that has been released in the last three years.