Arkham Origins Bugs

Unfortunately, Batman: Arkham Origins hasn't been released without some issues, and a lot of players have made remarks about bugs and glitches currently in the game. It seems quite a common occurrence these days to have a game released by a triple A development team that is filled with bugs, glitches and errors that really shouldn't be in the game at all.

It's ridiculously frustrating for the average gamer, and it makes us feel a bit used, really. It feels as if developers and publishers are simply using our love for games as a way to get to our wallets, and this story will just make us all even angrier.

What's really terrible about the bugs in Batman: Arkham Origins is that Warner Bros. know exactly what bugs are in the game, thanks to the dozens of reports spread across the internet, but despite this, they seem reluctant to do anything about them.

And the reason why Warner Bros. isn't in a hurry to fix the bugs in Arkham Origins is because they are focusing on something else instead - DLC.

Yes, that's right, Warner Bros. doesn't want to fix the bugs and glitches in the game right now because they'd rather work on bringing in more content to the game that players can purchase.

The community managers exact words are as follows - "The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums."

If you aren't having any issues or are happy to play through the problems, the new upcoming DLC is expected to be a single player add-on that will bring Batman up against Mr Freeze.