Bethesda has recently announced the new Wolfenstein: The New Order, a FPS game following in the series that has been slated for a late 2013 release for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC and next-gen consoles.

Players will play as B.J. Blazkowicz, the war hero well known to the series, who has set out to launch an "impossible counter offensive" against the Nazi powers whom have taken control of the world.

The game is set in 1960 and takes place in Europe, after the Nazis have won World War 2. Bethesda has said that players will be able to use "super weapons" and other utilities that the Nazi's used in Wolfenstein to take over the world.

A trailer was released along with the announcement and shows the innards of a huge war machine and then scrolls out to show multiple machines that look capable of stomping a stomping a tank to pieces.

The game is being developed by Machine Games and published by Bethesda, although the previous two games were developed by Gray Matter interactive and Raven , so it'll be interesting to see if Machine Games and Bethesda treat the game nicely.

I don't know about you, but I'm incredibly excited about the new Wolfenstein.