fifa 15 emotions trailerA brand new gameplay trailer has just been released for the upcoming EA Sports title, FIFA 15. Showcasing new crowds, player interactions and unique behaviour both for players and crowds, the trailer points out the 'emotion and intensity' the franchise has started to pick up on.

Whilst the new changes to crowd and player emotions isn't exactly a huge gameplay feature, it's nice to see just how far the franchise has come in terms of capturing the spirit that many fans and players experience on the real pitch.

Unsurprisingly, Lionel Messi will make it to the front cover box art for FIFA 15, for many regions across the globe.

Despite showing some great advancements in crowd and player behaviour in the latest trailer for FIFA 15, EA have also stated that not all platforms will offer the same experience, which is most likely due to both hardware limitations and console exclusivity deals.

For example, only Xbox consoles will receive FIFA 15 Ultimate Legends, which will most likely be a life time exclusive for the Xbox One and Xbox 360.

FIFA 15 has been scheduled for launch later this year on September 29th, for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 & 3, Wii, 3DS, Vita and the PC.

It will be interesting to see how each version differs from one another, especially when considering the game has been set to launch on the Wii, 3DS and the PS Vita. Surprisingly, the Wii U has been left out of the picture.