bloodborne release dateThe next title within the series of great games released by From Software has now received a confirmed release date, and a lot of fans are getting quite excited.

In a PlayStation TGS press conference, From Software revealed that the successor to Demon's Souls will be released on February 5, 2015 in Japan. Along with a physical copy of the game, the first initial production will include an art book and soundtrack CD for each unit.

Whilst Bloodborne isn't a sequel to either Dark Souls or Demon Souls, the gameplay feels similar to the aforementioned titles, and could easily be within the same universe From Software have developed with both Demon Souls and Dark Souls.

Despite sounding just as cruel as both other games, Bloodborne won't be nearly as punishing, and dying will be as much of a worry as it has been in Dark Souls 2. There will certainly be areas players will find challenging, but the amount of perseverance needed to complete Bloodborne will be a lot less than either of From Software's previous titles.

"You died a lot in the previous games, and you have to persevere," Bloodborne director, Hidetaka Miyazaki said. "One of our main goals with this game is that sense of punishment - we don't really want to focus on punishing the player.

"We want to deliver a game that gamers love, so if the gamer likes the game they will definitely like it enough to have that bit of perseverance. But in the way which we're making the game the sense of punishment is much less."