Gamestop accused of taking personal information

As seen here about Gamestop, a California woman filed the suit on Wednesday of this past week, claiming that a Alameda County GameStop store recorded her personal information such as her name, her credit card information, and her PII (personal identification information) after purchasing items with her credit card. The woman, Melissa Arechiga, believes that GameStop uses the information like addresses and various other private pieces of information to benefit sales and future aspects of their store(s).

In the view of the legal system of California, these actions of Gamestop are in violation of California's Civil Code in section 1747.08, which prohibits corporations from requesting that credit card users to provide their PII to be viewed and recorded.

A class action complaint as been filed so far and has defined that all Gamestops in the state of California are having their staff perform these actions that are against the state's Civil Code. So far, Gamestop has given no interest or comment on the litigation.

Now as from this blogger's opinion, I really don't know much about how California's laws and civil codes work nor can I compare them from here in Arizona. But I do know that it does seem like a bit of intrusion of privacy on the part of Gamestop. While most credit card companies do view information, if what Melissa Arechiga is stating is true, and Gamestop is using personal information to benefit themselves, that's a bit going over the line. I mean...there are other ways to find out other ways to improve sales.