advanced warfare third personThis won't be the first time, but recent news reveals that the upcoming Call of Duty game, Advanced Warfare, will have a selection of third person modes for the multiplayer portion of the game which will release some time after the game officially launches worldwide.

Sledgehammer Games have put quite a lot of effort into renewing the multiplayer experience of the Call of Duty franchise in Advanced Warfare, and what we've learned so far is that Sledgehammer will offer a range of new mechanics to make the game feel fresh, but the experience will still be recognized by Call of Duty fans across the globe.

On top of putting effort into new gameplay mechanics, Sledgehammer are thinking hard about the various multiplayer playlists available. It's already been revealed that the game will have a set of standard playlists, and a set of traditional non-exo suit playlists too. On top of this, it's now looking likely that Advanced Warfare will also get a third person playlist at some point after the game's release.

This news is quite exciting; I've always been a fan of the third person modes for previous Call of Duty games, and it gives players a new take on the online gameplay. The only trouble is that as the game ages, it may be hard to find players within each sub-playlist. There is already the standard playlist and the traditional playlists, and if they add third person playlists there will be three separate areas that fragment the online player capacity.