Titanfall Prestige Mode

Somehow, it looks as if pretty much all information about Titanfall has been let out into the wild, and through all of these leaks, we can learn a bunch of new information about the upcoming Microsoft exclusive first person shooter.

The most interesting leak that's been picked up after the maps leak is something that pertains to the information of a prestige system similar to the ones found in Call of Duty games.

According to the leaker, the prestige system in Titanfall will be called Generations, and when a player decides to reset their rank to Generation 2, they'll lose all of their unlocked perks, and they will start back at level 1.

The bonuses of Generation 2 is that players will receive 110% XP at all times, and a unique badge to show off in-game. All burn card earnt in Generation 1 will be kept, and no details have been given on whether there will be any more Generations, and what bonuses players may receive for prestiging more than once.

It has also been revealed by the same leaker that there will be a new game mode called Pilot Hunter. In this game mode, players will only be awarded points for killing enemy pilots; the real players in the game. This will mean killing titans and AI will not award players points, focusing the game on traditional FPS player combat.

Finally, the leaker suggest that there will be 9 campaign levels that players will be able to play online. These 9 levels will be played out as Attrition and Hardpoint modes, and players will be able to decide whether they want to play as the IMC or the Militia before playing.