Battlefield up for Pre-order

Many were expecting a next-gen release for Battlefield 4, so for DICE to suddenly jump into action with gameplay footage and pre-order information so early in the year, it certainly was an interesting surprise for a lot of us.

The game has recently been confirmed for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, and following on from that, Amazon has uploaded a pre-order page for the fourth game in the series.

A digital dog tag bonus will be rewarded to those who pre-order from Amazon, and a similar offer will be available to those who pre-order from GameStop. However, pre-orders from GameStop will also get players a premium expansion pack for the game.

GameStop has also said that after the 17 minute release trailer for Battlefield 4, the game reached the pre-order charts at number 1 on the Xbox 360, and number 2 for PS3.

Despite the current generation release, Battlefield 4 is rumored to still make a release on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 as well upon the release of these consoles.

Battlefield 4 will release sometime this Fall for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Are you looking forward to Battlefield 4?