Final Fantasy VIX: Endwalker

From the beginning, the cosmic conflicts between Zodiarch and Heidelin have been in the center of the Final Fantasy storyline. In the endwalker expansion, gamers can experience a powerful ending to the final fantasy story. The game also provides users with amazing new classes and new boss battles.

Overview and Background

The game picks up in ways that resolve many unanswered questions of the previous renditions.  In this game, the warrior of light embarks in battle alongside the scions of the seventh dawn. Together, they find different ways to destroy towers of nefarious aseans.

The hunt for these towers will allow gamers to explore numerous locations and places on the map. Examples of those places include the scholarly city-state of Charlene, frozen waste of garlemald, and more. Not to mention, playing this game, you will eventually end up heading to the moon.

If you think this is crazy, then you will be surprised to find out what the game has in store. This series is appreciated for the carefully thought-out cut scenes that it encompasses.  These scenes are very extensive and entertaining. Lasting sometimes 15 minutes or more, they are amazing scenes that are crucial to the plot of the game. Together, they are a testament to the marvelous writing of the game. Your tasks when playing the characters will mostly involve running from one place to the next.

Masterful Story Telling, Features, and Improvements

The story and characters display flashy, heavy-hitting yet simple aspects. The new sage job in the game is more challenging than others. This is because when playing this character, you will have to keep the barriers on allies, heal friends and also cause damage to the enemies. Therefore, when trying to complete the sage job, you will first have to get the hang of it.

Beyond that, endwalker does not add to the traditional final fantasy 14 gameplay. Many gamers say that the bosses for dungeons and trials are the best that they have ever fought in this game. The dungeons in this game involve much more than just jogging on corridors.

By introducing some quality of life improvements, the Final Fantasy Endwalker game makes up for the absence of new features. Some features are very small but distinctive. For instance, the mini-maps will now pop up when you utilize the fast travel networks on the city side of the map.

On the other hand, some features and updates are substantial. For instance, in the new game, you will no longer need to gather a pile of abilities to gather collectibles. Instead, you will have to indulge in intuitive mini-games.

Combat classes have also undergone updates. Summoner, for instance, went from being one of the most complicated classes to one of the simplest. The character retains all the appealing features. When playing the samurai, you will also notice that their AOE rotation has been simplified. Monks no longer have to worry about spot placements. It is important to understand that you can get the most out of this game if you are familiar with the characters from the very beginning.