TriForce Johnson, the First 3DS owner, was signaled by authorities...for being first in line.

Isiah "Triforce" Johnson is a dedicated Nintendo fan. He wears their gear, heck he is known to always wear a Power Glove (because it's so "bad"). In addition, he was waiting since last Tuesday to be in line for the Nintendo 3DS. The thing is, he was the only one with that dedication. See last week, he was waiting in his one-man line when the security staff of the New York City Best Buy called the cops to shoo him off their property.

If you read here (warning: the link's vid has colorful language), Johnson tried to explain of why he was in line for the 3DS and his dedication to the company, but the store wasn't buying it and got the cops involved. After he was taken off property by the authorities peacefully, Johnson would come back to line up, only to hide when security was around or the staff had changed shifts. Johnson commented that while he did preorder a 3DS, it's a tradition for him to be first in line.

Though, it seems Johnson was firstafter all, as he did become the first person to buy the 3DS in America and it was sold to him by Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, and Michael Vitelli, president, Americas, for Best Buy. So looks like this story came to a happy end after all.

I guess it's the power of the Power Glove that got him through it all.