the division live

Tom Clancy's The Division has finally gone live and servers for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC are now available. The open world third person shooter RPG title is a brand new IP from Ubisoft which features a random loot system similar to Destiny. However, there are plenty of gameplay elements that make The Division unique.

If you owned the physical copy of Tom Clancy's The Division, chances are you managed to get into the servers earlier than the March 8 release date. Servers went live early, however digital copies did not activate until the aforementioned launch date.

On top of the full game, a number of microtransactions have gone live for Tom Clancy's The Division. Whilst there is no typical DLC content available yet, the microtransaction packs from Ubisoft feature a number of in-game items.

All of the microtransaction packs include cosmetic-only items and can be accessed from each console's game store - this would be the UPlay store for PC, the Xbox Games store for Xbox One and the PlayStation store for the PlayStation 4.

There are currently two cosmetic packs - the U.S. Marines Outfit Pack and the Military Specialists Outfit Pack. Both packs are available for $3.99 and include four different themed outfits.

There is also a season pass available for Tom Clancy's The Division but it does not include either of the microtransaction packs. Instead, the season pass will include a number of DLC releases planned for the future.