Why Playing Video Games in Your Tesla is a Bad Idea

Tesla comes with a video games hub that is built into their center screen. The infotainment screen of Tesla does not just allow you to play video games, but it also provides plenty of other features. Pulling down on the tab presents many icons and features and one of them is the arcade mode. The arcade cabin launches video games on the Tesla.

With their most recent update, they have pulled the arcade option to the main menu bar. Entering the arcade offers you a full list of titles that the car supports. When you launch a game, you get a warning screen. This warning screen explains that things could go bad when playing video games in the Tesla. There are plenty of risks that come with playing video games in the Tesla.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

Tesla’s decision to allow car owners to access video games while the car is in motion is appalling to many concerned people. The feature of having a giant screen in the center of the dashboard can be deemed dangerous in itself. For one, it takes the driver's vision out of line from the road ahead if they want to look at car information.

On top of that, when you add appealing video games and addictive video games to the giant infotainment, it can be a recipe for disaster. Since the screen is out of the driver’s view, concerns regarding road accidents may tend to rise.

Switching from Game Mode to Drive Mode

It is incredibly important to not hit the accelerator while playing the game. When you select the car racing game in the Tesla, you can control the car in the video game by using the actual steering wheel of the Tesla. Similarly, you can also hit the brake pedal of the car to execute the braking inside the video game.

However, you should not press hold on the accelerator. In fact, you have to be prepared for the complete resume of the drive mode as soon as you exit the game. As you exit the game, the car’s accelerator will start to work along with the gear stalk. If you are not prepared for this, then you can run into unwanted situations when parked in the middle of the street.

It is important to be very considerate of the people around you when you are playing this game inside your car. It is best to park your car at a safe location so that little hindrance in the presence of your mind does not damage property or other people.

Final Thoughts

Driving a car is a very serious task. While playing video games in the Tesla can potentially prove to be detrimental for drivers, some can argue that the feature was built for passengers instead. Also, playing video games while driving or even looking at a screen when on the road is a legal offense in some countries.