If it matters to you, you'll be happy to hear that Microsoft has changed their Xbox Marketplace to something that sounds a little more playful. Starting from today the Xbox Marketplace will now be called the Xbox Games Store.

This follows on from a few changes that are happening to the digital Xbox Games store to make it ready for the introduction of the Xbox One. This includes a transition from Microsoft Points to real life currencies which has happened recently.

The changes won't really make much of a difference on a visual side, however Microsoft are still striding to make as many changes to the user interface on the Xbox 360 to make it feel more modernized and minimalistic with its square Windows 8 tile design.

When the Xbox One hits, the transition from the Xbox 360 will probably be very easy because the evolved design of the user interface on the Xbox 360 will end up very similar to the interface that will be found on the Xbox One upon launch.

Stay tuned to Evil Controllers to learn about our custom Xbox One controllers that will be out shortly after the release of the Xbox One.