Evil D-Pad Perfect for Gears of War 3

I am sure many gamers out there have encountered a game in which the original Microsoft D-Pad has failed them in some way. There are many games where you use the D-Pad in order to switch between weapons and equipment, perform a special move, or just simply walk around. These types of flukes dont happen all the time, but they do occur more often than you think. I am sure many out there will agree with me when I say that it always seems to fail us at the most important moment. This flaw in the controller has caused quite a ruckus in the gaming industry. However the workers at Evil Controllers have solved this problem.

Here at Evil Controllers we have created what we like to call, the Evil D-Pad. This new product is going to change the way you game, for the better. No more walking down when you meant to walk right. No more pulling out a claymore when you meant to call out your UAV. No more missing out on your special attack because the old D-Pad decided you didn't input it correctly. The old Microsoft D-Pad has a completely flat surface that only uses a small raised area to input the direction. So you have to hit the direction almost perfectly in order to use the D-Pad proficiently. With this type of set-up, it leaves room for error. On the other hand, the new Evil D-Pad uses individual buttons. So there is no chance at a mistake.

With the release of Gears of War 3 on the horizon this is the perfect time for gamers to invest in improving their controller. The Evil D-Pad is ideal for weapon switching because of its accuracy. You wont die because you pulled out a grenade instead of a pistol. This can also be used for the older Gears of War games as well. So don't just think it is only compatible with the Gears of War 3. It will also look amazing with our popular red skull imaging. So be sure to check out Evil Controllers website to get your Evil D-Pad.

-Evil Brittany

Game Hard. Game Evil.