Smash Summit 4 Dates and Prizes Announced

BeyondTheSummit has released the key dates and details for the upcoming Smash Summit 4.

It has now been confirmed that the event will take place from March 2 and will end on March 5. To begin with, the prize pool is sitting at $15,000, but it will grow depending on how many fans attend the events.

Even with a $15,000 base prize pool, this will be an important event to take the win, and it could perhaps be the event that could be open to absolutely anybody.

Whilst both Hungrybox and Armada are still performing incredibly, Hungrybox's recent broken finger has put some doubt on his upcoming performance. Armada is still looking like a strong contender, but his most recent Smash Summit win was at Smash Summit 3 doubles, at which point he had help from the formidable Mew2King. Mang0 has also been in great form this year, even if he hasn't managed to hit as many first place wins as Hungrybox and Armada.

In total, there will be sixteen players to attend the Smash Summit 4 event. So far, 10 players have been invited, and six more will be decided by fan votes.

The following ten players have received official invites:

Adam "Armada" Lindgren
Jason "Mew2King" Zimmerman
Jeffery "Axe" Williamson
Joseph "Mang0" Marquez
Juan "Hungrybox" Debiedma
Justin "Plup" McGrath
Kevin "PewPewU" Toy
Weston "Westballz" Dennis
William "Leffen" Hjette
Zachary "SFAT" Cordoni

Will you be interested in attending the Smash Summit 4 event later this year?