The above words aren't my own, but are instead the words of Craig Davidson, the head of global marketing at Microsoft. He believes that at this year's E3, Microsoft will put up a show capable of kicking Sony and their PlayStation 4 in the dust...already.

However, after Microsoft disappointed gamers by revealing a huge amount of sports, sports, sports and TV on the Xbox One, there is no doubt that many gamers are looking to the PlayStation 4 instead.

Perhaps Microsoft can woo the crowd at E3, but with the non-gaming related media content, pay-to-play second hand gaming, worse hardware than the PS4 and bundled Kinect 2.0 sensor that will only raise the cost of the overall price, Microsoft have dug themselves a hole that's going to be very hard to get out of.

There's no doubt that both Sony and Microsoft will be trying to get the most attention at E3, but to be honest, right now it's much too hard to work out who will come out on top at the end of this year, if anyone.

What console do you think you'll prefer? The Xbox One or PlayStation 4?