September 28, 2012
Sony is literally horrible at keeping new hardware news secret. Months before its official release there were rumors going around that Sony was coming up with a new "super slim" version of the old PS3. By old PS3 I mean the very first generation, you know the ones that weighed a ton.Sony is known to release slimmer version of their consoles as they did for the PS2 so everyone expected a PS3 Slim somewhere down the pipeline. However, I for one did not expect a slimmer version of the PS3 Slim. The rumors mentioned the newer model might be a bit cheaper and also arrive somewhere around TGS 2012.
Thanks to Sony's official reveal, once again we see that rumors in the video game industry are much more reliable than those in any other industry. The Playstation 3 Super Slim was revealed on the 17th of September on TGS and the details of the new model are as follows.
There is nothing really different about this model
August 22, 2012
New Xbox Rumor
Well it's about time isn't it? For Microsoft to reveal SOMETHING about the next gen Xbox right?
It seems that one of their employees thought we deserved to know more and thanks to him we get to hear the very first actual reference towards the new Xbox. In an interview with The Verge, Brian Hall (General Manager of Windows Live) literally mentioned that the "new Xbox" when listing the wide range of Microsoft products that could be incorporated with Windows 8.
This is what Hall said during his interview, "We've had Hotmail and operated Hotmail for about 16 years. We obviously have Exchange, and Outlook, that people use at work. We just decided
Black Ops Controller Call of Duty Call of Duty Controller Rapid Fire Xbox 360 Controller adjustable rapid fire Adjustable Fast Reload Jitter Mod Controller for Battlefield 3 Controller for Modern Warfare 3 Controller for MW3 Controller for Black Ops 2 Modern Warfare drop shot PS3 Playstation 3 Controller for Battlefield 4 Modern Warfare 4August 19, 2012
Next-Gen Call of Duty Rumors
I guess there is no stopping the big bad Call of Duty machine. Even before Black Ops 2 is out there are already indications of another installment that will most probably be available for the next-gen consoles. There is no indication whether it will be the very next iteration of CoD but if it is the case then it would mean the next gen consoles are most definitely coming out in 2013.
There are multiple job listings and a resume from Infinity Ward that suggests that the studio's next game will for the next gen-consoles. According to the resume of Andrew Aye, Modern Warfare 3 engineer, Infinity
July 13, 2012
Info Naughty Dog's New PS3 Game
Naughty Dog revealed a bit more info recently about their new IP, The Last of Us. They mentioned that there would be several ways of going about the game in terms of what you chose to do and when. For example, you can choose to sneak past a group of baddies or eliminate them all while risking your resources.
Naughty Dog also verified that even though players will have such options throughout the game (which will give it a sandboxy feel), the game will not have multiple endings. As such, you can play the game however you like but everyone will get the same ending.
Also, we had all been wondering whether we will get to play co-op
June 23, 2012
Spec Ops: The Line - Online Multiplayer Details
Today we will be taking a look at the multiplayer aspect of Spec Ops: The Line. Nowadays almost all games have to have some sort of multiplayer especially if it is a first person or third person shooter.
Mutliplayer components these days are mainly used to increase the value of the game itself. They not only increase the allure of the games but also significantly increase the length of the game. Sadly, sometimes they are just sloppily made and do nothing more than frustrate players. I will just present you with my opinion of the multiplayer and whether it is good or not, you can be the judge of that.
First of all, they have
May 01, 2012
A Source from Target Shows Black Ops 2's Release Date
With so many leaks about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, you could swear that its release is no longer a rumor, but rather confirmed news. From leaks from outside sources and teasers from Activision, I think we can all agree, Black Ops 2 is coming.
Recently a source from Target emailed IGN an interesting image. An image of a Target pre-order card confirming both the title and the release date for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The release date is confirmed as November 13th of this year. Which is odd since it's about one week after the release of Halo 4.
April 26, 2012
A Rumored Italian Box Art Cover for the Next Call of Duty Appears on Internet
Evidence from Kotaku claims that the next Call of Duty will definitely be something along the lines of Black OPs 2. First it was an Amazon listing and then some teaser poster art, and then a Gamestop teaser website. Now, it's rumored box art.
Yes, an European photo depicting the game's box art has circulated the web and it resembles the silhouetted art on the Gamestop teaser site; however, it is of a higher
Company News Modded Controllers Black Ops Controller Call of Duty Controller Controller for Gears of War 3 Modded Controller Rapid Fire Modern Warfare 3 Controller Gears of War 3 Mods Rapid Fire Halo Adjustable Fast Reload Auto Burst Jitter Mod Halo 4 Active Reload Rapid B BioShock Infinite Battlefield 3 Controller for Battlefield 3 Controller for BF3 Controller for Modern Warfare 3 Controller for MW3 Halo 4 Themed Controller Gears of War 3 Halo 4 Modded Controller Medal of HonorApril 21, 2012
Evil Controllers has been updating and uploading new images and products into their Pinterest account at www.pinterest.com/evilcontrollers. Follow Evil Controllers to see images of new products as soon as they get released.
Evil's die hard fans can expect to see Pinterest related promotions and sales in the new future! So what are you waiting for? Check out our pins and start pinning your own favorite Evil Controllers.
April 20, 2012
The Japanese COD: Elite Service is Cancelled Due to Localization Issues
Unfortunate news for Japanese FPS fans, it seems that the Japanese version of Call of Duty: Elite will not be available. The online service was cancelled due to localization issues, according to some news from Kotaku and Square Enix, COD's publisher in Japan.
According to Square Enix and Activision, they worked really hard to get localized versions of Elite released in territories like Japan but kept getting stuck in issues about localization. The biggest problem for Modern Warfare 3 in Japan was
Products Modded Controllers Games Industry News Black Ops Black Ops Controller Call of Duty Call of Duty Controller Modded Controller Modern Warfare 3 Modern Warfare 3 Controller Rapid Fire Adjustable Fast Reload Auto Burst Jitter Mod Controller for Modern Warfare 3 Controller for MW3 MW3 Controller for Black Ops 2April 19, 2012
Call of Duty Might Be Slowing Down in its Sales
For some time now, it was very common to see that the new Call of Duty game would always outsell the last one. But things might have changed. As of this year, Modern Warfare 3 has sold less copies than the last Call of Duty title, Black Ops.
According to this news at Kotaku, analysts at Macquarie Equities have been tracking internal sales figures for the series for some time now. They recently have noticed that copies of MW3 are trailing sales of Black Ops by "around 4.2 percent".
While it's not a huge decline, but in terms of MW3