Modded Controllers Modded Controller Modern Warfare 3 Controller Xbox 360 Controller Contests Controller for Modern Warfare 3 Halo 4 Themed Controller Halo 4 Modded Controller Controller for Black Ops 2 Black Ops 2 Black Ops 2 controller Assassin's Creed 3 360 modded controllers PS3 Playstation 3 Controller for Halo 4 Controller for Battlefield 4August 12, 2012
Contest: Controller Creator Unleashed.
https://www.facebook.com/events/465410863478913/Date: August 8th till September 3rd
3 Grand Prize Winners.Each Grand Prize winner receives the controller they have designed.
To Enter:
Create a controller at EvilControllers.com using the "Controller Creator". Once you have a design that you enjoy share that photo on Evil Controllers' event wall. The photo of your controller must be shared on the event wall for the event "Controller Creator Unleashed Contest".Users have a multitude of ways to share their image, but the two easiest ways are the following:
1) Hit the 'Share to facebook' Button on the Controller Creator and place the image on your facebook.
August 06, 2012
Halo 4 Forge Mode
Forge mode is making a proper comeback in Halo 4 with modifications that would allow players not only to make detailed maps but make them with ease. Recently 343 Industries have come out and claimed that this time the map editing in the new Forge mode will be powerful enough to allow players to create whatever they can imagine.
Jessica Shea, 343 Industries community manager, had quite a bit to say about the Forge mode on the Halo Waypoint Bulletin.
"There will be some aesthetic variety we'll talk about later - as well as the obvious inclusion of aesthetics and Forgeable objects from specific maps [although] most
August 02, 2012
Halo 4 - Teabagging Returns
Well its official, in an interview with Kotaku, 343 Industries have confirmed that players once again will be able to crouch in Halo 4 with the same classic animation and posture. This in turn means that players can once again perform their favorite humiliation maneuver over fallen enemies, teabagging.
This move has been a notorious part of the Halo multiplayer universe where numerous players have been irritated to the point of gamer rage. Although this time around 343 Industries are calling it "victory crouching."
When asked why they brought crouching back again they had this to say "[Yes players can victory-crouch others] if they choose
August 01, 2012
Halo 4 Forge Mode Info
Hey there Halo fans! I am pleased to tell you (if you already didn't know) that Forge World is going to be making a comeback in Halo 4. Better still is the fact that Forge is bigger and better than ever before with lots of improvements that are really going to make a difference.
To start off, this time around this multiplayer map editor is being developed by Certain Affinity. Since these guys were the developers behind Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and the Halo Reach Map Pack, it is safe to say that they really know their stuff when it comes to Halo.
What I personally liked about their approach when developing this was that they really paid
July 31, 2012
Halo 4 Surface Info
If you guys remember, Microsoft introduced their all new SmartGlass technology at E3 a while back. This technology basically allows you to use any portable device (smartphones or tablets) to get an additional screen, much like the new Wii U gamepad. Just like the Wii U, this added screen is essentially going to provide you with other additional gameplay options.
Well soon after E3 Microsoft announced their new line of Windows 8 tablets, Surface. The tablets themselves are impressive and keeping SmartGlass in the frame it didn't take long for people to start wondering how exactly was Microsoft going to implement this tech for both current and future console games.
July 29, 2012
Halo 4 Controller
Hey there guys. I guess you guys already read the previous article about the Halo 4 Limited Edition Console Bundle. Since then it has been pulled down from the Microsoft Store so we haven't been able to get a better look at it. But, today I bring to you the close up image of the new Halo 4 UNSC Controller:
Looks cool right? As you can see, the blue led that is supposed to be integrated instead of the green can be seen from this picture. The d-pad is also supposed to be the twist d-pad. Also notice how the controller is translucent.
July 23, 2012
Halo 4 Controller and Console
Last week it was revealed from Microsoft's site that Microsoft will be releasing a Limited Edition Halo 4 Xbox 360 Console Bundle that comes with a Halo 4 controller. Although the pre-order page has been removed, the cat's already out of the bag. Although everyone is expecting that was part of Microsoft's plan.
Either way I guess more people were actually expecting a console bundle. I mean it's HALO, Microsoft HAD to do it. Here is what you get with this bundle
- Standard retail copy of Halo 4
- One-of-a-kind custom skinned -
July 19, 2012
Halo 4 Multiplayer News
New information has surfaced surrounding the much anticipated Xbox exclusive, Halo 4. To be more precise, the information is regarding a new requirement that needs to be fulfilled in order to play Halo 4's multiplayer.
It seems that Halo 4's multiplayer requires a total of 8 GB of free space for an install, either in the form of extra space in an Xbox 360 hard drive or an external flash drive. However, Microsoft highly recommends the in-built hard drive over the external as the former is supposed to provide a more "optimal experience". I am guessing the optimal experience means less lag and load times?
This basically means
July 05, 2012
Limited Edition Halo 4
The Limited Edition for Halo 4 has been revealed for pre-order and is priced at $99.99. There will be no Legendary Edition for Halo 4 which in my opinion makes the purchase decision much simpler. Either we decide to get the standard retail game or the Limited Edition with the added bonuses.
Let's take a look at what has been confirmed to be included in the Limited Edition.
- War Games Map Packs - the competitive multiplayer modes in Halo 4 will be termed War Games. Owning the Limited Edition will give players access to all three map packs that will be released in the future, as soon as they are made
June 30, 2012
Halo 4 Multiplayer
We all know one of the biggest reasons behind Halo's success is the highly entertaining and competitive multiplayer component which has been termed War Games in Halo 4. Today we shall be taking a look at some of the cool things that 343 Industries have incorporated into the War Games that makes Halo 4 that much more worth playing.
The Assassinations are back but with a brand new flair. Assassinations are more satisfying and brutal than ever. There are a variety of ways in which these melee executions take place, for example Spartans can tackle an enemy to the ground before finishing him off with a knife. The variety