December 12, 2012
Halo 4 and Virgin Media
343 Industries have tried hard to create a lot of incentives to keep people playing Halo 4, but this new competition looks to be the biggest of them all.
Virgin Gaming have teamed up with 343 Industries to create a competition in which all you have to do to play a part is play Halo 4.
The biggest two prizes include a UNSC-themed Ford F-150 SVT Raptor truck and a cameo in an upcoming Halo game.
Other prizes include hundreds of Halo memorabilia, Halo DVDS, books, Mega Bloks, and pretty much anything else to do with Halo.
To be in with a chance of winning, you'll need to register your
Products Modded Controllers Games Gamer News Modded Controller Rapid Fire Accessible Gaming Mods new game XBOX 360 New shooter Xbox 360 Controller Halo Modded PS3 Controller Modded Xbox 360 Controller xbox Halo 4 Halo 4 Halo 4 Themed Controller Halo 4 Modded Controller 360 360 modded controllers Controller for Halo 4December 08, 2012
343 Sends Specialization Codes
Just like they promised, 343 Industries has sent out codes that unlock all specializations in-game to players that played Halo 4 on or before November 20th. The codes were sent out via email and sent to the emails associated with each player's gamertag.
Once unlocked, the specializations still require you to reach Spartan Rank 50 before you can use them though, and if you didn't play before November 20th, or you are situated in Europe, the Middle East or Africa and didn't preorder, you won't have access to the extra specializations.
At first, 343 had a few issues sending out the emails, but Jessica Shea, community
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Read the instructions to learn more!
Products Modded Controllers Games Console News Gamer News Modded Controller Accessible Gaming Mods new game XBOX 360 New shooter Xbox 360 Controller Halo Modded PS3 Controller Modded Xbox 360 Controller xbox Halo 4 Halo 4 Halo 4 Themed Controller Halo 4 Modded Controller 360 360 modded controllers Controller for Halo 4November 22, 2012
Bungie were very nice to the Halo Reach community, and were always fine tuning the matchmaking playlists to make players' gameplay experiences ever more improved. Bungie went as far as to change some of the weapon mechanics, which is a huge deal when applying this to an Xbox 360 game that had been out for over a year. 343 Industries hasn't mentioned any such game-changing plans, but they are adding and rotating the War Games playlists each week. Last week 343 added SWAT to the mix, which for many was a great relief, and it's quickly become one of the most played playlists on War Games matchmaking.Next week 343 will be adding Team Snipers, which will be playable on Longbow, Complex, Solace, Ragnarok, Vortex, Exile and Meltdown. Similarly to SWAT, players will be able to choose between predefined load outs, although so far secondary weapons have not been included.
A few other changes have also been applied to matchmaking, and although there isn't anything too interesting, these
Products Modded Controllers Industry News Controller Mods Modded Controller Accessible Gaming Mods new game XBOX 360 New shooter Xbox 360 Controller Halo Modded PS3 Controller Modded Xbox 360 Controller xbox Halo 4 Halo 4 Halo 4 Themed Controller Halo 4 Modded Controller 360 360 modded controllers Controller for Halo 4November 16, 2012
Halo 4 Info
One of the biggest problems with the Halo: Reach matchmaking was credit farming, and Bungie took it quite seriously. In Halo 4, 343 have revised the new experience system to make sure no one gets too far ahead, which is reasonable seeing as experience and Spartan ranks will now unlock players new equipment which are beneficial to playing better in the game.
Unlike Halo Reach, Halo 4 has had a pretty sturdy experience restriction straight into the game at launch, and this can limit the amount of experience players can earn a day whilst playing Spartan Ops and War games. Jessica Shea, community manager for Halo 4, wrote a message on Waypoint to explain the system
November 16, 2012
Halo 4 Sales Records
So by now I expect a lot of you have settled in with the new gameplay within Halo 4, and are slowly rising up the Spartan Ranks. But when I say a lot of you, it may be a lot more than you might think.
343 Industries have set quite a record in games sales according to VGChartz Estimates. VGChartz have given details about Halo 4's day one sales, and the numbers are quite astonishing. Halo 4 has managed to sell 3.1 million copies in total, which is the most any console exclusive has ever sold within day one sales. 60% of those sales, or 1.9 million units were
November 10, 2012
Halo 4 Info
One of the most frustrating things to happen in matchmaking in previous Halo games is when the rest of your team decides to quit. In a game like big team battle, it may not seem like much of a deal, but after one or two people quit, usually a lot of others will follow, and it makes it boring and extremely difficult to ever stand a chance against the enemy team, especially in smaller games.
343 are hoping to fix this by allowing players to join other games in progress. This will make matchmaking times significantly shorter whilst making sure no one has an unfair advantage against the opposing team.
There have also been a few other changes
Company News Products Modded Controllers Games Console News Industry News Game Characters Modded Controller Rapid Fire Accessible Gaming Mods new game XBOX 360 New shooter Xbox 360 Controller Halo Modded PS3 Controller Modded Xbox 360 Controller xbox Halo 4 Halo 4 Halo 4 Themed Controller Halo 4 Modded Controller 360 360 modded controllers PS3 Playstation 3 Controller for Halo 4November 01, 2012
You would have thought that after all the leaked footage and campaign gameplay of Halo 4 there would have been enough reports to fully reveal Halo 4 in its naked form, but somehow it seems that 343 and Microsoft have managed to keep some secrets behind closed doors.
The picture above shows some kind of Promethean weapon or enemy capable of inflicting a considerate amount of damage to the chief and his companions, and it has a shape that we haven't seen in official previews of the game. The new image was revealed by IGN, and has created a ripple of interest throughout different websites and pages on the internet.
343 and Microsoft have released a fair amount of information on the rather complex species and their ranking positions within the main four Promethean groups; the four different Knights, three Crawler variations, and a Watcher species, but all of these are loosely based on a humanoid shape and the concept in the image is some sort of strange orb or space weapon.
Company News Products Modded Controllers Gamer News Black Ops Controller Call of Duty Controller Modded Controller Mods XBOX 360 Xbox 360 Controller Modded Xbox 360 Controller Xbox 360 Slim Controller for Battlefield 3 Controller for BF3 Controller for Modern Warfare 3 Controller for MW3 Halo 4 Modded Controller Controller for Black Ops 2 Black Ops 2 controller 360 360 modded controllers Controller for Halo 4 Controller for Battlefield 4 Controller for Counter StrikeOctober 24, 2012
Evil Controllers: The Ultimate Gaming Controller
Evil Controllers is the industry leader of modified Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers:
Evil Controllers is the industry leader of modified Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers: Most aftermarket modified controller companies have ignited and slowly faded from the industry in the last 5 years. Evil Controllers on the other hand has survived after creating the industry and has grown tremendously as a result of consumer feedback and word of mouth marketing.
Evil Controllers is now here on KickStarter because Evil has the concept for the greatest Xbox 360 Controller. The improved controller
October 20, 2012
Halo 4 Info
After the huge success of Forge World in Halo: Reach, it's only fair that forge fans receive a treatment just as rewarding in Halo 4. A recent video has been released featuring Kynon Pearson, a developer for 343 Industries, and Lori Zawada, a developer for Certain Affinities, discussing the new forge features in Halo 4.Although neither the forge menus nor any of the main mechanics were showcased in this video, information about new maps were. Three new maps will be included with Halo 4 upon release, which have all been designed with forge in mind.
The first map features jagged high-rising cliffs covered in rich